Wholeness Template Constellation Practitioner Training
20 February 2025
All in person in Falkland.​​
FULLY INSURED for Family Constellation Practitioner qualification BY The Centre for Creative Vision and BALENS, UK​​
This course is a 2 year training in Creative Ensemble constellation therapy which qualifies practitioners to be insured to set up as constellation practitioners.
The Earth Ensemble Constellation Therapy 2 year Practitioner Programme begins 20 February 2025 with a four day workshop for modules 1 - 3.
This is a 10 module training over 14 months.
Entrants will need to have evidence of counselling training or be able to show experience of holding robust space for others through a reputable 2 year or more practitioner course (eg shamanic training or a form of psychotherapy) to be eligible. You will also need to take a set of quads with me to check you love the practice.
There is an application form for those interested in applying. This work is deep, has a significant amount of work for study and is demanding of excellent boundaries and clear vision.
Please apply to thecentreforcreativevision@gmail.com for details and the form.
Modules 4 and 5 are 24 - 27 April and each module is £300.
Each module includes the workshop and meals.
Module 1, 2 and 3
Thursday 20 - Sunday 23 February 2025 (special cost £600)
Module 4 and 5
24 - 27 April 2025 (£600)
Year 2 dates:
Module 6 and 7
Thursday 26 - Sunday 29 June 2025
Module 8 and 9
Thursday 16 - Sunday 19 October 2025
Module 10 and Graduation
Thursday 5 - Sunday 8 March 2026​​​​​​​​
Each module for Year 2 is £400 and payments may be paid over the year - 15 months.
You can take this foundation course for your own development and year two as a course that is insured to equip you to work with others.
The foundation course comes with a full illustrated workbook to work through exercises and practices! This will be sent to you as five separate modules over the year. You will also have 4 group zoom classes per module (20 per year) and an individual session per module (5 over the year). The cost includes emailed tuition and feed back for the practice book course work which runs alongside the classes and session.
Each module for Year 1 is £300. So the foundation year costs £1500 in total.
Special offer £1000 for payments made before 21 DECEMBER.
If you are currently or have previously trained with me on another practitioner course Modules 1 - 5 are priced at £225 instead of £300 each
Email wholenesstemplate@gmail.com for form, dates and details.
Module 1
The Sensory Architect
Course work
The Model; The Principles; The Enquirer
Module 2
North The Physical Present
Course work
Presence; Body Mapping; Earth Mapping
Module 3
East The Life line
Course work
Tracking Vibrations; Entanglements and the disentanglers; Overlays of land and systems
Module 4
South The Ancestral Banks
Course work
Ancestors and Loyalty; Ancestors and Fatherlines; Ancestors and Motherlines
Module 5
West The Place of Myth
Course work
The Medicine of deep listening; Archetypal forces; Nature Realms
Year 2
3 X 4 day workshops over 1 year
with 1 individual session/mentoring with each module (5 in total) and case study supervision
£2400 – paid in instalments of £200 monthly over 12 months or £150 over 18 months.
Modules 6 and 7
Module 6
Holding Space and transforming space
How to hold space, keep self clear and hold compassion and unconditional love and positive regard. Intense concentration on the model and applied practice seeing how adjusting the focus to the wholeness template model and bringing in the empathic container transforms stories.
Module 7
The flow of soul (In depth appreciation and application of the models of the shamanic way of nature, Gestalt and Montessori and Hellinger’s theories). Working with soul as a principle through different ties and dimensions. Understanding vibratory consciousness and developing sensitivity and skill with opening up soulful flow.
Understanding and applying theories of optimum flow and healthy orders.
2 X individual Sessions
10 X case studies
Modules 8 and 9
Module 8
The Intuitive Way
Developing, caring for and supporting the flow of clear intuition. Empowering the client to be in charge of their own knowing. Teaching strategies for enabling client autonomy and finding of authority.
Module 9
Phrases and Techniques/Creative Applications
Teaching standard statements, boundaries and techniques that enable flow and allow healing movements. Working with victim/perpetrator, Owner/enslaved themes through the wholeness template shield. Bringing in different ways to work with art, music, theatre, ceremony, costume and chair work.
2 X individual Sessions
10 case studies
Practice building coaching programme
Module 10
The Earth as Healer and Graduation
Going deeper into the concept of the earth and its wider cosmos holding the wisdom and the medicine and bringing the human into its place where it can be as one with this. Understanding consciousness and the place of the unconditional in this work. Presenting intentions for practice from the coaching programme.